TIG Self-Advocacy Guidance
Content Areas Self Advocacy
Resource Type Link
The Transition Improvement Grant (TIG) has developed a self-advocacy guidance toolkit to house TIG developed resources as well as highlight resources from national transition partners. The toolkit contains online resources such as: assessments, curricula, student led Individualized Education Program (IEP) materials, law and policy, and opportunities to grow your own learning. Self-advocacy is a predictor of post-school success for students with IEPs and the guidance will enhance the resources available and provide support for educators, students, and families.
Transición versión en papel – WiTransition App Paper Version – Spanish
Content Areas Best Practices, Indicator 13 - Postsecondary Transition Plan, Self Advocacy
Resource Type Document
The paper application is intended to be used when technology isn't readily available or for youth to complete ahead of time and input information in one sitting. The application does not save, but a pdf can be generated and emailed to individuals the student chooses.
WiTransition App Paper Version
Content Areas Best Practices, Indicator 13 - Postsecondary Transition Plan, Self Advocacy
Resource Type Document
The paper application is intended to be used when technology isn't readily available or for youth to complete ahead of time and input information in one sitting. The application does not save, but a pdf can be generated and emailed to individuals the student chooses.
Your 5 Steps in the Youth Apprenticeship Program
Content Areas Indicator 13 - Postsecondary Transition Plan
This document walks you through the five steps to take when considering Youth Apprenticeship. This includes where to begin, the process to take, and completion.
A Guide to Developing a Best Practice Summary of Performance or Notice of Graduation
Content Areas Best Practices, Indicator 13 - Postsecondary Transition Plan
Resource Type Document
This guide outlines the requirements and recommendations for completing the Summary of Performance or Notice of Graduation. The Guide is broken down to match each section in the Summary of Performance.
What School Counselors Need to Know about Special Education Transition and IEP Planning
Content Areas Indicator 1 & 2 - Graduation and Dropout Rates, Indicator 13 - Postsecondary Transition Plan, Indicator 14 - Post School Outcomes
Resource Type Document
You are Important! School Counselors can provide many valuable insights at an IEP meeting, from knowledge of postsecondary education programs to school classes and preparations that lead to successful post-school entry. Counselors can help IEP team members think ahead and prepare students in their course of study so they have the scope and sequence of classes needed for admission to postsecondary programs or entry into high quality employment following high school exit.
Developing Meaningful Independent Living Goals as an IEP Team
Content Areas Best Practices, Indicator 13 - Postsecondary Transition Plan
Resource Type Document
The Measurable Postsecondary Goal in the area of Independent Living Skills should be developed based on results of the most current age appropriate transition assessment. It is important that the entire IEP team has input in determining if the child needs independent living goals. Regardless of the type of disability the student has, independent living goals may be necessary to live as independently as possible once the student graduates from high school.
Sixteen Career Clusters and Their Pathways
Content Areas Indicator 13 - Postsecondary Transition Plan
Resource Type Document
This resource outlines the 16 career clusters and displays the pathways. These align with the Department of Public Instruction and the Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP).
411 on Disability Disclosure
Content Areas Indicator 13 - Postsecondary Transition Plan, Self Advocacy
Resource Type Link
The 411 on Disability Disclosure: A Workbook for Youth with Disabilities is designed for youth and adults working with them to learn about disability disclosure. This workbook helps young people make informeddecisions about whether or not to disclose their disability and understand how that decision may impact their education, employment, and social lives. Based on the premise that disclosure is a very personal decision, the Workbook helps young people think about and practice disclosing their disability.
Wisconsin County Community on Transition (CCoT) Toolkit
Content Areas County Communities on Transition (CCoT)
Resource Type Document
In this toolkit you will find tools and resources CCoTs can use to build the foundations of a team, facilitate the continuing work through frameworks of success, how to use data to support growth, and how to build and maintain communication.
TIG Self-Advocacy Suite
Content Areas Self Advocacy
Resource Type Video
Family Engagement Supporting Graduation
Content Areas Best Practices, Indicator 1 & 2 - Graduation and Dropout Rates
Resource Type Video
Speak up for yourself!
Content Areas Indicator 13 - Postsecondary Transition Plan, Self Advocacy
Resource Type Video
Guide to Wisconsin’s Child Labor Laws – for all youth under 18 years of age
Content Areas Indicator 13 - Postsecondary Transition Plan
Resource Type Document
This guidance document has been produced by a team from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to assist schools and employers who hire youth. This guide does not constitute a legal document which can be asserted as evidence in a court of law. Rather it is intended to provide assistance for those with common questions about interpreting the child labor law statutes and administrative regulations.
WiTransition App: Tips for Use
Content Areas Indicator 13 - Postsecondary Transition Plan, Self Advocacy
The WiTransition App is an app to assist students and their families in planning for the student’s future in a fun and engaging way. Using this app puts the student first in planning their future, while practicing self - advocacy and self - determination skil ls. The app mirrors the Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) in the IEP . W hen completed, it will provide a downloadable report the student can use during their IEP meeting . This report can also be used by the IEP team to create the PTP.
Summary of Performance: Student and Teacher Collaborative Sample
Resource Type Document
This is an example of a student and teacher collaboration to complete the Summary of Performance. This document is intended to be completed by the student AND teacher together.
Graduation Rate Improvement Plan (GRIP): Research Support and Resources
Content Areas Indicator 1 & 2 - Graduation and Dropout Rates
Resource Type Document
The Graduation Rate Improvement Plan: Research Support and Resources guide is designed to be an interactive tool that provides teams access to updated research relating to dropout prevention as well as direct access to evidence based practices, applicable tools, and examples from the field. This resource was created to enhance the use of the Wisconsin Graduation Rate Improvement Plan (GRIP) tool created by the Transition Improvement Grant. Each section in this resource correlates with the sections within the GRIP.
Self Advocacy – WI Self Directed Transition Planning: Lesson Plans
Content Areas Self Advocacy
Resource Type Video
Notice of Graduation Charts
Resource Type Document
These sample charts can be utilized to help determine which Notice of Graduation for should be used for a student, as well as using the Best Practices Summary of Performance (SoP Student/Teacher Collaboration form or SoP Teacher Best Practice form).
Summary of Performance (SoP) Best Practice Student/Teacher Collaborative Form – Fillable
This document is intended to be completed by the student AND teacher together.