Self-Directed CCR IEP Guide

About The CCR IEP Guide
This document was created to help inform your students about the CCR IEP forms and process in a student friendly way. You can use this document to support pre planning for a student’s CCR IEP meeting and as a way for the student to understand their CCR IEP. The CCR IEP is not just a compliance document. When used it can be a tool in making positive changes for students with disabilities. Thank you for your support in raising high expectation in students through self-advocacy and self-determination.
Online step-by-step guide
The CCR IEP Guide is now available in a step-by-step format online.

Increasing Self-Advocacy Skills: Connections to College and Career Readiness Initiatives
This interactive Prezi provides information on multiple components, including CCR IEPs, ACP, PTP, DVR, WBL, and Dual Enrollment.