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Transition Services/Pre-ETS

one woman standing with others in front of laptop screens

About Transition Services

Transition services are services or activities in the PTP that assist the student in meeting their postsecondary goals.  Transition services are defined as educational activities and supports designed to assist students with disabilities to achieve IEP goals and leave school prepared to reach their measurable postsecondary goals. The determination of specific transition service needs stems from individual results of age-appropriate transition assessments and the IEP team planning process.  Transition services and pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS) are interchangeable terms in regards to WIOA.

Transition Services/Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) are outlined in the PTP. There are 6 basic components to the Transition Services/Pre-ETS as outlined by WIOA law. 

The six steps outlined to the transition
