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Please note TIG will be updating the Self-Advocacy Suite.

Professional Development Courses

Now Available, Implementing the Postsecondary Transition Planning Best Practices in the IEP and Introduction to the Postsecondary Transition Plan!

The Transition Improvement Grant has created professional development online courses to enhance transition practices.  These courses include a variety of:

Self-Paced -The participant has flexibility and the opportunity to learn at their own space and pace

Team-Lead – TIG staff lead through a scheduled self-pace and designed with networking opportunities.

All courses are non-credit and hosted on the UW-Whitewater Canvas platform through our TIG partnership with the CITEE (Center for Inclusive Transition, Education, & Employment) Project.

Click on the image or title to see a description for each course.

Self-Paced CourseCourse ended May 30, 2024. A new course will be available beginning on August 1, 2024.

Introduction to the Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)

Offered to Invited Participants Only – Course ends June 15, 2024. Full course and micro course opportunities will be available soon.

Career and Life Readiness

Self-Paced Course Summer course is available June 1 – August 31, 2024.

Job Coaching for the Paraprofessional: Summer 2024

Course Completion

Use the form below to log the courses you have completed. Completed courses will appear on your dashboard. If you don’t see the course you have completed, please contact us.

Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, Max. file size: 32 MB.
Please upload the certification form you received for the course.

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