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Please note TIG will be updating the Self-Advocacy Suite.

Self-Advocacy Suite

Online Tools for Self-Advocacy

The Transition Improvement Grant has developed and revised several online tools to assist educators in providing instruction in self-advocacy to students with IEPs.  Students who are able to self-advocate for their rights, and abilities are more successful with their post school goals as they are able to ask for accommodations on jobs and in college settings.

Self-Advocacy Suite Overview Guide

This guide was designed to provide educators and families with a simple comprehensive overview of each of the Self-Advocacy Suite resources. On the Overview Guide, you will find each of the resources broken down with the key objectives of the resource or tool, along with any chapter or lesson objectives. This scope and sequence overview guide is designed to be utilized as a beginning reference for understanding the resources and tools located within the Self-Advocacy Suite.

Wisconsin Self-Advocacy Curricula Crosswalk with Student Self-Advocacy Assessment

Wisconsin Transition Improvement Grant (TIG) Student Self-Assessment is a tool that should be completed with students prior to instruction and use of the Wisconsin Suite of Self Advocacy Resources and then again after instruction to monitor progress. This assessment will show the students and teachers where the strengths and needs are in current self-advocacy skills.  The crosswalk will direct you to specific parts of our WI Suite of Self-Advocacy Resources for direct self-advocacy instruction that address areas of weakness shown in the assessment.

There are three versions of the Student Self-Assessment available. Please utilize the appropriate student rating form to meet individual student needs. The original version consists of a five-point rating scale. The modified version consists of simplified text and a three-point rating scale. The picture version contains pictures along with a ‘yes/no/not sure’ rating scale.

It is important to gain perspective from multiple IEP team members throughout different environments. A Parent/Guardian version and Educator version are also available to gain a comprehensive view of students’ self-advocacy skills.

Download Student Self-Advocacy Assessment Forms

Student Self Assessment – PDF

Student Self Assessment – Google Form

Modified Rating – Google Form

Picture Version – Google Form

Educator Version – Google Form

Parent/Guardian Version – Google Form

Student Driven IEP Profile

This Student Driven IEP Profile video shares the work of how an IEP team utilized the TIG Self Advocacy materials to provide students the opportunity to self-direct their IEP meetings. See how this supports graduation and post school outcomes as well as provides educators an opportunity to engage in Culturally Responsive Transition Practices.

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Speak Up! Becoming a Self -Advocate-This curriculum teaches students to “Speak Up” and to develop self-advocacy skills.  Through the “Speak Up” Becoming a Self-Advocate curriculum, students will learn important skills and knowledge, including:  using disability-related terminology, self-assessing their disability and accommodation needs, identifying possible career interests, understanding laws and legal rights, and planning for education, training and employment.

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Wisconsin Self-Directed Transition Planning Lesson Plans-These 15 lesson plan starters are intended to be used by teachers to support self-direction with the Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) with the goal of students directing their IEP process.   These lessons are aligned with the Wisconsin Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) application and were designed to be used by educators to support self-directed transition planning and instruction.  The lessons are to be considered “starter lessons” and used in small sections or to develop an entire semester course.  Each lesson introduces a basic concept of transition planning but also outlines extension activities to be used when creating a full course curriculum.

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New Way of Thinking-The purpose of A New Way of Thinking is to assist students in developing self-confidence. This guide was created for middle school students and students new to discovering their disability.  What makes A New Way of Thinking unique is that it was adapted from the Pennsylvania Youth Leadership Network which was created by youth for youth.  Also, the guide has a chapter on Automatic Negative Thoughts referred to as ANTs.  This chapter was adapted from the work of Dr. Amen who is a world renowned, award-winning, New York Times bestselling psychiatrist.  Dr. Amen has dedicated his work to changing the lives of people all over the world.

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Self-Directed Career and College Ready Individualized Education Program or CCR IEP Guide-This document was created to help inform students about the CCR IEP forms and process in a student friendly way. You can use this document to support pre-planning for a student’s CCR IEP meeting and as a way for the student to understand their CCR IEP. The CCR IEP Guide is not just a compliance document. When used with your CCR IEP, it can be a tool in making positive changes for students with IEPs.

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WiTransition App-The transition planning app was created to increase self-direction and self-advocacy for all Wisconsin youth in the transition planning process.  The app is designed to help students and family members participate in the transition planning process.   The questions in the app help students give input into their Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) and provide the student’s voice during IEP meetings and as they plan for their future after high school.

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The Self-Advocacy Suite

To view the Self-Advocacy Tools video which highlights all 5 resources within the Self-Advocacy Suite visit this link. For more information on the Self-Advocacy Suite, contact your TIG Regional Coordinator.

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