Transition Programming Beyond Age 18
The Beyond Age 18 website is designed to help teams create meaningful, individualized special education services for students with IEPs who stay in high school after their peers graduate. For some students with IEPs, this time may be used to finish credits towards graduation with a regular high school diploma while others may build skills as they transition to life after high school. This guidance is provided to help teams reflect on what supports are needed and where, as well as connecting with outside agencies and braiding services to improve post school outcomes for students with IEPs.
Teams will find in this guide:
- Current state and federal special education guidance and regulations.
- IEP team conversation starters to set the stage for beyond age 18 discussions.
- Review and reflection of IEP and PTP goals.
- Partnership resource mapping guidance, examples and resources.
- Sample student schedules
- Templates for teams to lay out goals, plans and map transition partners.
- Additional resources to help teams build successful transition schedules.
Join Us for Monthly Networking
Join our monthly transition networking sessions to connect with other transition specialists across the state. Each month will highlight a topic/best practice in the field and provide an opportunity to reflect, ask questions, collaborate and grow in your own practice.
2024-2025 WI Statewide Transition Networking will be the last Tuesday of the Month, from 7:15 AM to 8:00 AM via zoom. To be added to our listserv, contact Shelley Burke Otto at