Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE)
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) defines Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) as either part or full time work (including self employment) in which an individual with a disability is paid at or above minimum wage located in an environment where the individual regularly interacts with people both with and without disabilities. In addition, the employee must have equal access to benefits and opportunities for advancement as peers without disabilities. 29 USC § 705(5)
Wisconsin ACT 178
People in Wisconsin want opportunities to work and be self-sufficient. Wisconsinites with disabilities are no exception. Employment is a primary means for working-age people to contribute to their communities and is one of the most satisfying and meaningful ways for people to achieve their goals. For people with disabilities interested in work, competitive integrated employment is an important component of a fulfilling life and an opportunity to contribute to the community.
2017 Wisconsin Act 178 requires the Department of Workforce Development’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), the Department of Health Services (DHS), and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to collaborate, with the input of stakeholders, in the development of a joint plan to increase CIE in Wisconsin. This plan establishes performance improvement targets, describing specific coordination methods to ensure programs, policies, and procedures support CIE. The Departments will update the plan at least biennially.
A major component of the CIE Joint Plan was to develop a comprehensive website including key resources, examples and strategies for supporting the increase of CIE outcomes for Wisconsin residents with disabilities. Click here to visit the CIE Website.