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Indicator 14 Interviewer Training 2024-2025

Available May 2025

Indicator 14 is a measurement of the postschool outcomes of a student with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) in the areas of: higher education, competitive employment, other postsecondary education or training, other employment, and not meeting indicator 14 participation criteria. Data for this indicator is collected through the Indicator 14 survey one year after exiting high school.

Each participating district falls into either a required or elective survey year and districts have the option to participate in the survey by either:

  1. Conducting their own district interviews, or
  2. Contracting with St. Norbert College to conduct interviews on their behalf.

If a district chooses to conduct its own surveys, the designated Indicator 14 Interviewer must complete one of the two Self-Paced Macro Courses designed for interviewer training. To begin, click on the course title below that aligns with the level of professional development required to conduct Indicator 14 surveys for your district.

For more information, visit the Indicator 14 website.

Indicator 14 Interviewer Training for New Interviewers

Course Description

Primary Instructor: Jenny Jacobs

Course Description:

This course is for district interviewers who are signed up for the Indicator 14 survey.  Indicator 14 represents the percentage of youth with an IEP who have enrolled in higher education or other postsecondary education or training program, or competitively employed or in some other employment opportunity within one year of leaving high school. School districts throughout Wisconsin are able to complete a telephone interview to collect data and attain insights regarding student outcomes one year after exiting high school through completing interviews and entering surveys on behalf of their district. Throughout this 90 minute course, participants will gain knowledge on the data collected for the survey, how to complete the surveys with fidelity, the importance of confidentiality and insight on how to get the highest response rate possible. Once completed, access will be provided to enter surveys on behalf of your district for the upcoming survey window. Only school district employees and participants completing this online-self paced course can become Indicator 14 interviewers and enter district survey results.This course has been created by the Wisconsin Transition Improvement Grant.

Refresher Training for Previously Trained Indicator 14 Interviewers

Course Description

Primary Instructor: Jenny Jacobs

Course Description:

Welcome back returning Interviewers!  If you are enrolled in this course, it means you have conducted phone interviews and entered surveys on behalf of your district in a previous survey window.   If you have not, please register for the Indicator 14 Interviewer Training for New Interviewers.  This required course is in an online, self-paced format taking less than 15 minutes to complete. The course provides an overview of any changes to the survey questions, clarification of response issues from previous survey windows and information on how to get the highest response rate possible for your district. Once completed, access will be provided to enter surveys on behalf of your district for the upcoming survey window. This course has been created by the Wisconsin Transition Improvement Grant.
